Jeff Taylor explains the exciting changes in 2018 for the THRIVE program! Interested in booking a class or learning more about coaching? Contact us!
Now is the time to THRIVE!
It may seem cliche but the end of the year really is a good time to reflect.
Reflect on the past year, what went wrong, what went right. Make a list, reflect on what you enjoyed the most and what were your favorite moments. We challenge you to make it a goal to do more of what you enjoyed and loved in 2017 and make plans now on your calendar to do it in 2018. It seems simple, but it really can be life-changing when you write down your plans and goals.
If you are looking for help and guidance in 2018, we encourage you to contact us, whether for a class, or coaching we are here to help you THRIVE.
Jeff Taylor of THRIVE Explains the Importance of Education and Showing Kindness to Others!
Watch the short video below as Jeff Taylor explains the importance of continuing education, networking and giving back! What are you doing to grow and THRIVE?
Looking for someone to inspire you or your staff? Contact us for information on Jeff's services!
A Few Good Things to Watch and Share!
Looking for some inspiration to guide you through your week or perhaps life? Look no further. Here are some wonderful things you should watch. So grab a beverage and get cozy!
It is the Small Gestures that make a BIG Difference
In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, you may be wondering, what can I do? You may have a lot of financial resources or not much at all. Elizabeth Gilbert posted this, and I found it so true - "Don't worry so much about having the biggest impact that you forget to have an impact at all. And this doesn't just go for times of disaster, either. Arguing about efficacy is a great way to forever stall generosity. Just make a move in the direction of mercy — that's always a good start."
This philosophy is not only important to remember in the wake of a disaster, but every single day. A complete stranger could be having a terrible day, and you could simply hold the door open for them, or let their vehicle in front of yours. A small gesture such as this could completely change the course of their day, which in turn, could change their life. I personally like to surprise people with small treats, such as in the photo above. It is amazing how such a small gesture of kindness can bring a HUGE smile to someone's face.
Do whatever you can to make a difference, there is no gift too small to the world.
You Won't Remember the "Stuff." You'll Remember the Experiences.
It is a dream of the THRIVE team to go on the Oprah Cruise and we have it on our bucket list. What is on your bucket list? Do you have one? If you don't it is time to start one! There is even an app for that, BucketListly, is one of many!
While you may be tempted to put down a new house, high end car and many objects you would love to own on your bucket list, we encourage you to take it a step further.
What experiences would you like to enjoy during your lifetime? Is it hiking the Grand Canyon? A grand trip backpacking across Europe? Or camping cross country with your family? If you live in a hot climate, is it as simple as seeing a snowfall? Experiences don't have to be grand and they are never out of reach. They don't have to all be travel related, just write down what experiences would be incredibly meaningful to you. Seeing your child's first steps can be more rewarding than any object you could ever possess.
Your memories are what you will hold onto long into your later years, we encourage you to make them incredible! What is on your partner or parents or loved ones bucket list? How can you make the experiences they desire a reality?
Replacing Social Media Time with Meaningful Activities
Do you know how much time you spend on social media? According to Evan Assano, "Astonishingly, the average person will spend nearly two hours (approximately 116 minutes) on social media everyday, which translates to a total of 5 years and 4 months spent over a lifetime."
To check how much time you are spending on social media, you could use these apps or if you own an iPhone, you can go into the “Settings” app in iOS, then choose “Battery.” There you will see exactly how much time you are spending in which apps.
Now that you are aware of the astonishing amount of time you are spending on social media. Here are some more productive uses of your time:
1. Meditate. Apps such as Headspace, Calm, and Insight Timer make starting meditation easy, and even makes reminders for you on your phone.
2. Go outside. Get some Vitamin D form the sun! An estimated 1 billion people are deficient in it.
3. Exercise. the benefits of physical activity are endless. Get moving!
4. Start a gratitude journal. The 5 minute journal app also makes starting and ending each day with gratitude incredibly simple.
What are some of your favorite ways to replace social media time with meaningful activities?
5 Books Perfect to Dive into while Traveling
Traveling is an escape from reality and the perfect time to dive into a good book. Here are some of our latest favorites. Enjoy!
The Importance of Going High as a Business
Michelle Obama's famous words ring through our minds. "When they go low, we go high." Such a simplistic yet moving statement applicable in our personal lives as well as professional.
Recently, we watched in horror as a passenger was dragged off an Airline flight after refusing to give up his seat. While many competing airlines could have taken advantage of United's damaged reputation, Delta took the high road. Instead of bashing their competing company, they showed their devotion to changing the world for the better. Watch the short video below. We hope it inspires you as well to take the high road, event when presented with other options.
Thank you Delta, for taking us higher, both figuratively, and literally!
FREE Morning Affirmation Printable
Happy Monday everyone! Are you in need of an extra boost, especially on Mondays to get you excited and aligned for the upcoming week? Simply print out this free printable and tape it to your bathroom mirror and read it to yourself as you are getting ready in the morning.
Repeating a morning affirmation to yourself will not only uplift your emotional state, it will also connect new pathways in your brain that signal to the world you are open to positivity and opportunity.
Looking for more ways to get motivated and reach your personal goals? Attend an upcoming THRIVE class, or contact us for a personal coaching session with Jeff Taylor.