It is a dream of the THRIVE team to go on the Oprah Cruise and we have it on our bucket list. What is on your bucket list? Do you have one? If you don't it is time to start one! There is even an app for that, BucketListly, is one of many!
While you may be tempted to put down a new house, high end car and many objects you would love to own on your bucket list, we encourage you to take it a step further.
What experiences would you like to enjoy during your lifetime? Is it hiking the Grand Canyon? A grand trip backpacking across Europe? Or camping cross country with your family? If you live in a hot climate, is it as simple as seeing a snowfall? Experiences don't have to be grand and they are never out of reach. They don't have to all be travel related, just write down what experiences would be incredibly meaningful to you. Seeing your child's first steps can be more rewarding than any object you could ever possess.
Your memories are what you will hold onto long into your later years, we encourage you to make them incredible! What is on your partner or parents or loved ones bucket list? How can you make the experiences they desire a reality?