Women's March 2018

We are huge fans of Glennon Doyle, author of Love Warrior, and love her reflection on this year's Women's March in Washington D.C.

"Last year, we marched. This year, we run.

Last year, we proved to the world that women — united, intersectional and activated — make history.

This year, we prove that women — united, intersectional, and elected — make
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We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.
And we’re done waiting.

What are you marching for today? For whom are you changing the world this year?" 

How are you creating change this year and supporting women's rights? It doesn't need to be complicated. You can simply be the best version of yourself and support the females around you and lift them up when needed. Remove competitive thoughts and words from your vocabulary. Learn to love and be yourself completely as you are and accept your flaws so you, in turn, can care for others.

Males can be the best fathers and teach their sons how to show respect to women. For their daughters, demonstrate how they deserve to be treated and support them and their endeavors fully.

For more information on this year's marches and future events, click here. 

If You Block Out Darkness You also Block Out Light...Be Open to Love

A sexist troll attacked Sarah Silverman. She responded by helping him change his life for the better.

Image Source: Bored Panda

Image Source: Bored Panda

If someone attacked you, on twitter or elsewhere, how would you react? Would you have empathy and compassion for this person and know they were coming from a place of pain? That is exactly what Sarah Silverman did, and the effect it has had on this man's life is tremendous. Continue reading this beautiful story of love even in the darkest of places, here.

Inspiration is Everywhere-Never Give Up

Could you imagine Dr.Seuss books not existing? They are a staple in our homes and our childhoods. Their words have left an everlasting impression on us and have taught us so many simple life lessons. From Oh the Places You'll Go to The Cat and the Hat, each one of us has a special favorite book. Now classics, these books may not have existed without the determination of Theodore, now known as Dr.Seuss. Watch his inspirational story on how with ingenuity, pure determination and a good friend these books came to be. 

3 Tools to Make Your Holiday Season More Full of Joy!

It is the most wonderful time of the year....right? It certainly is full of an abundance of wonderful things and events but it is also one of the busiest and financially stressful times of the year for many. To combat all of the "To-do" lists and overwhelm, here are three tools to help. 

1. Watch this:

Even with the holidays, there can be too much of a good thing and over-scheduling can happen without us being conscious of it. Be mindful of your time and learn how to say no. Also don't beat yourself up for making things easier for yourself...instead, embrace the opportunities. Need to have 2 dozen cookies for your child's classroom tomorrow? Go ahead and purchase store-bought if you don't have time to spend in the kitchen. Hosting a big holiday gathering? It is ok to not get out all of the fancy plates and keep things simplistic.

What matters most this season is the quality time with those we love....not the details that we often give ourselves a hard time about.

2. Download this App called Moment.


Want to know how much time you are really wasting on your phone and what you are doing on your phone so much? Download the Moment app to find out.

Moment is an iOS app that automatically tracks how much you use your iPhone and iPad each day. If you’re using your phone too much, you can set daily limits on yourself and be notified when you go over. You can even force yourself off your device when you’re over your limit.


3. Savor The Good News


Now that you have freed up so much time from using your phone less, check out Good Newspaper for their print, online and podcast versions of extraordinarily good news that will be sure to lift your spirits.