How do you give back to those around you and the world? Jeff Taylor celebrates World Kindness Day with his awesome friend, Mark, and they go on a little adventure giving back to those who give so much!
Jeff Taylor of THRIVE Explains the Importance of Education and Showing Kindness to Others!
Watch the short video below as Jeff Taylor explains the importance of continuing education, networking and giving back! What are you doing to grow and THRIVE?
Looking for someone to inspire you or your staff? Contact us for information on Jeff's services!
A Special Color Formulation, Treating our Clients and Stepping Outside of Your Box!
Jeff Taylor of THRIVE explains in the video above a magical color formulation for a rich brunette, a tip to make your clients or staff feel extra special and how putting a bulletin board in your break room to highlight associates can make a world of difference!
Looking for some more great ideas from THRIVE to wow your clients and team? Contact us for more details!
Enjoying an Intentional Holiday Season
There is no doubt the holidays are a magical season full of joy, beauty and giving. However, for many individuals, it can also cause grief, due to loss of a loved one, or anxiety due to get-togethers with family members that are not always easy to communicate with or the pressure to purchase an abundance of unnecessary gifts!
Here are a few of our favorite resources and guides for reducing stress and making the holidays merry and bright!
1.Civility & Compassion for the Holidays VIRTUAL class on 11/20 (if you can't attend the live virtual talk, a video recording will be emailed to you!)
Join Cathy Adams for a live virtual talk (via Zoom technology) where they discuss how to be civil and compassionate during the holidays and beyond. Respectful and reflective discourse is a practice, and the holidays are a great time to practice with the ones that we love most. Cathy is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Parent Coach, Certified Elementary School Teacher, Certified Yoga Teacher, and she teaches in the Sociology Department at Dominican University and Elmhurst College. Click here to register!
2.How we can Approach this Holiday Season from an Intentional Perspective.
Jess Lively and Courtney Carver team up for this Podcast, This episode is perfect for anyone looking to reduce the holiday stress, increase holiday joy, put themselves first, and to prevent or manage a difficult health issue.
3. Gift Ideas for Minimalists and Their Kids
The holidays do not need to revolve around gifts and things, in fact they can be much more meaningful with the mantra, "Less is More." Allie Cassaza provides some excellent gift ideas for minimalists here.
It is Not Too Late to Reach Your 2017 Goals
We are quickly approaching November and almost the end of 2017. Hard to believe isn't it? What may be even harder to believe is that those new year resolutions you had in mind in January are still absolutely obtainable. You still have over 60 days to change your life and with each new day, each new breath, a new opportunity!
We talk a lot on our blog about being present and in the moment, and some of you may ask, "How can I achieve my future goals and set goals while remaining present?" Eckhart Tolle, author of A New Earth has some interesting answers for us.
Looking for the Good, Acts of Kindness are all Around Us.
As Martin Luther King said,
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
This is one of our favorite quotes of the many that we share. In times like these especially, we need to be reminded that there is so much good in the world and around us. These small acts of kindness add up and compound to create so much light.
The Ellen DeGeneres Show has partnered with Cheerios to spread Ellen’s message of being kind to one another. Ellen and Cheerios are encouraging people around the world to participate in one million acts of good.
To share their acts of good, viewers can submit photos and write-in stories at this link or use #GoodGoesRound on social media.
Below are a few examples of the acts of kindness shared. Remember, these acts are going on every day, all around us. Be a part of the good, and take part of acts of kindness at home, in your workplace and when you are out and about.
Why We Should be Listening to the Empathetic Individuals & More!
Whether you are raising a sensitive child or you are a sensitive individual yourself or you have one in your family or partnership, we highly recommend this video.
With everything going on in the world, it can become emotionally and physically painful for empathetic people to process it all. Glennon Dole, author of Love Warrior, offers some powerful tips and insight.
Empathy is Critical We Need to Start Listening to Each Other.
Labels and words are extremely powerful and we often do not look past them, but it is essential in order to truly listen and hear each other.
A recent study showed just by labeling an issue "Democratic" or "Republican" even when the actual issue details are completely unknown by the opposing party, 80% of that opposing party rejected it right off the bat. That is how powerful labels and one simple word can be. How often in your own life to you immediately place judgement on something or someone instantly due to a label?
Times like these where so many tragedies are occurring simultaneously, it is more important than ever that we truly listen to each other before making an informed decision. Humans are more alike than different, and what can truly save the world in times of trauma and create healing, is being connected. We have seen this time and time again when a tragedy has happened. Individuals from all walks of life and backgrounds joining forces to save each other from the flood waters of hurricanes, or pulling one another to safety during the devastating shooting in Las Vegas.
This week, we encourage you to see past society's labels and see all of the goodness within each other. Remove the simple labels you place upon your family, your friends, your coworkers and even strangers. Truly listen to them and hear them and where they are coming from.
A Few Good Things to Watch and Share!
Looking for some inspiration to guide you through your week or perhaps life? Look no further. Here are some wonderful things you should watch. So grab a beverage and get cozy!
5 Things to Give Up to Raise Your Vibration INSTANTLY
Meet Aaron Doughty, a dedicated individual helping people transform their lives through self-awareness and personal-empowerment teaching awareness, philosophy, spirituality, psychology, science and more. Aaron is a fantastic teacher and above shares 5 simple ways to transform your life and raise your vibration.
Looking to transform your business and life and want to host a class for your associates? Contact us for a complimentary consultation.