Looking for some inspiration to guide you through your week or perhaps life? Look no further. Here are some wonderful things you should watch. So grab a beverage and get cozy!
It is the Small Gestures that make a BIG Difference
In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, you may be wondering, what can I do? You may have a lot of financial resources or not much at all. Elizabeth Gilbert posted this, and I found it so true - "Don't worry so much about having the biggest impact that you forget to have an impact at all. And this doesn't just go for times of disaster, either. Arguing about efficacy is a great way to forever stall generosity. Just make a move in the direction of mercy — that's always a good start."
This philosophy is not only important to remember in the wake of a disaster, but every single day. A complete stranger could be having a terrible day, and you could simply hold the door open for them, or let their vehicle in front of yours. A small gesture such as this could completely change the course of their day, which in turn, could change their life. I personally like to surprise people with small treats, such as in the photo above. It is amazing how such a small gesture of kindness can bring a HUGE smile to someone's face.
Do whatever you can to make a difference, there is no gift too small to the world.
The Importance of Loving Yourself
Sometimes the universe brings us messengers. Precious individuals with words we desperately need to hear. Enter Najwa Zebian. Najwa is currently pursuing her Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership. She has written books, been on TED Talks and is constantly uplifting those around her.
Enjoy this short, yet powerful message on the importance of loving yourself.
Be a Rainbow in Someone Else's Cloud
"They may not dance the same dance as you do, or believe in the same God, but be kind, always." Maya Angelou explains the importance of being a blessing to someone who may be very different from you.
Maya also had "rainbows" with her at all times. People of different ethnicities, marital and spiritual backgrounds, surrounding her. The variations in their "colors" created rainbows in her clouds. By surrounding herself with people different from herself she was broadening her horizons and learning more about life simultaneously.
This week we challenge you, to be a rainbow in some else's cloud. Reach out to those in different circumstances than yourself and be the light in their day that fills them with wonder and awe.