Jeff Taylor explains the exciting changes in 2018 for the THRIVE program! Interested in booking a class or learning more about coaching? Contact us!
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Time & Goal Setting: 2 Tips for Success
Time is one thing we can never quite get enough of...but there are ways to make it more effective by making yourself more productive. Here are two ways to make reaching your goals and completing your tasks a little easier.
1. Break everything you do down as much as you can and write a list. You are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. It is crucial to not only write them down, but to also break them into the tiniest pieces so you can check off each individual task. For instance, if your goal is to renovate a room in your home, break down each and every task into micro-tasks. The sense of achievement from completing each little item will have a snowball effect, and you will gain momentum throughout your project.
2. Utilize the Pomodoro method. Use a timer to break your work into focused time blocks (usually 25 minutes) separated by a 5-minute break. After 4 consecutive working time blocks, take a longer break, around 15 or 20 minutes. The benefits of the Pomodoro Technique come from the frequent breaks, which help your mind stay fresh. The focused time blocks also force you to adhere to fixed limits, so you’ll be encouraged to complete a task more quickly, or in the case of a large task, spread it out over a number of Pomodoros. Learn more and get a timer for your phone!
Be a Rainbow in Someone Else's Cloud
"They may not dance the same dance as you do, or believe in the same God, but be kind, always." Maya Angelou explains the importance of being a blessing to someone who may be very different from you.
Maya also had "rainbows" with her at all times. People of different ethnicities, marital and spiritual backgrounds, surrounding her. The variations in their "colors" created rainbows in her clouds. By surrounding herself with people different from herself she was broadening her horizons and learning more about life simultaneously.
This week we challenge you, to be a rainbow in some else's cloud. Reach out to those in different circumstances than yourself and be the light in their day that fills them with wonder and awe.
Now is the Time. Get on the Path to Your Best Life
Close your eyes. Picture your perfect day from the very moment you wake up, to going to bed that night. What would you do? Would you go anywhere? How does it feel? Peaceful? Amazing? This day can be yours and those days could accumulate into a lifetime.
I know what you are thinking. But how? How could the day of my dreams happen over and over again? It all starts with you. You need to believe it can happen and believe it is possible.
Keep on visualizing that day. Actually feel the emotions that are brought about when thinking about it as if it is your real life. As soon as you feel those emotions, you are sending out a signal to the universe. We are all energy, all matter and even your thoughts have an energy to them. It may sound wild, but when you put the positive energy out there through feeling your perfect day, you are actually making it more likely to happen.
Depending on your learning style, it may be easier for you to write down your perfect day, or cut out images from magazines and put them on a poster that you look at every day. Whatever makes it easier for you, I encourage you to try it.
Want to learn more practices to lead you to your best day and life? Join me at my upcoming class April 10th.