Labels and words are extremely powerful and we often do not look past them, but it is essential in order to truly listen and hear each other.
A recent study showed just by labeling an issue "Democratic" or "Republican" even when the actual issue details are completely unknown by the opposing party, 80% of that opposing party rejected it right off the bat. That is how powerful labels and one simple word can be. How often in your own life to you immediately place judgement on something or someone instantly due to a label?
Times like these where so many tragedies are occurring simultaneously, it is more important than ever that we truly listen to each other before making an informed decision. Humans are more alike than different, and what can truly save the world in times of trauma and create healing, is being connected. We have seen this time and time again when a tragedy has happened. Individuals from all walks of life and backgrounds joining forces to save each other from the flood waters of hurricanes, or pulling one another to safety during the devastating shooting in Las Vegas.
This week, we encourage you to see past society's labels and see all of the goodness within each other. Remove the simple labels you place upon your family, your friends, your coworkers and even strangers. Truly listen to them and hear them and where they are coming from.