Every day I tell myself, "Something amazing and wonderful is going to happen to me today." Not only do I say those words over and over in my head, I also feel the emotions as if something grand has already happened. Great joy washes over me through this process. "Something amazing and wonderful is going to happen to me today." is my personal daily affirmation and mantra.
Friends, there are so many beautiful reasons to be happy and the more we repeat them to ourselves, the more at peace we will be. In this post we shared a morning affirmation printable. This is a great resource, but we also encourage you to make up your own personal affirmation as well. Here is how to get started:
Make your affirmations a short simple statement.
Include “I” or “My” in order to show ownership in your affirmation statement. I choose to be positive” is much better than “Positive thoughts are coming into my mind.”
Write your affirmations in the present tense. Write as though you’re experiencing what you desire right now, not in the future. For example, “I easily see my own worth and value” is superior to “I will easily see my own worth and value.” It’s also better not to put a time frame on your affirmation such as a certain date or “within six months,” because doing so limits when what you desire can happen.
Don’t begin your affirmations with “I want” or “I need.” You don’t want to affirm that you’re lacking in any form. Rather, write your affirmations as an expression of already having and being what you want.
Make sure all your affirmations are positive statements. If you tell yourself you are discarding negative behavior and thoughts, your focus will be on those rather than on what you want to do and be. Don’t include words like “don’t,” “won’t,” “am not,” “can’t,” “not,” “doesn’t,” or “am stopping.” Instead of “I’m eliminating my miserable thoughts,” create an affirmation such as, “I’m happy being who I am.”
Add feeling to your affirmations by inserting an emotion. For example, you could say, “I am excited about being able to express what I think.”
Create affirmations that you truly believe in.
Physically write your affirmation and place it where you will see it everyday,i.e. the steering wheel of your car, or your bathroom mirror.
For more exercises and tips, click here.