Life is incredibly overwhelming. We are constantly being pulled in several directions and our "to do" lists grow in our brains by the second. A recent survey revealed we spend 6.5 years of our lives on average, worrying. That, my friends is 6.5 years wasted. Want to get those years back, and use them for something productive?
Here is a tip...instead of focusing on what you need to do in the future, or how something went in the past, dedicate the following week to this mantra,"I'm going to give 100% to right now." Every day, every minute, tell yourself this. Each task, each moment spent at work, with your family, cooking dinner, doing something that would normally make you uncomfortable, tell yourself as your mind starts to wonder into the land of worry and stress, "I'm going to give 100% to now."
This is a simple change, but the results from it, can add years onto your life.